Ben and Janae Carter Family at Tonaquint Nature Preserve, St. George, Utah

I had the privilege of working with this amazing family again this year. As I expected, they were the most fabulous family to work with! They are all so photogenic, beautiful, stylish, and they actually like each other. I love working with families who get along and enjoy one another.

Ben and Janae are obviously such great parents. My husband is employed by Ben, and often comes home with parenting nuggets and wisdom after work. I'm always grateful for parenting insights, especially from someone who has a few more years under their belt than I do. Also (and this is me being vulnerable), I'm slightly terrified of the teenage/early adulthood years for my children, but Ben and Janae make it look easy. Their children are truly so delightful that I have hope that maybe we won't be too worse for the wear in a few years.

I feel so blessed to know such good people, people who give light to the world and inspire me to be better. The Lord has been so good to me over the years by placing incredible people in my path. Ben and Janae have blessed our lives in countless ways, and I will forever be grateful for their part in my story.