Bracken and Skye Longhurst Family on Cedar Mountain, Utah
I had the honor of working with this family two years ago, and it was so fun to be reminded just how great they are. As I was editing this gallery, my husband walked into the office and saw Skye and her children. He commented on how kind she was back in our good ol' high school days and I emphatically agreed. She really was so nice to everyone, even the little Freshman, and I'll never forget it.
With her's and Bracken's goodness, it makes sense that they have such a great energy in their family. I mean, how often is it that four teenagers actually enjoy one another? And I mean, they truly had fun and laughed together. They played and created fun poses without direction from me. It was so lighthearted and enjoyable that I didn't want the session to end.
On top of that, I wished I could go to dinner with Skye and Bracken and catch up on life. They both exude so much goodness and light, that I genuinely wanted to spend more time with them. Maybe I should start doing that. I should do a post-session double date with the couples that I work with. Maybe that's taking my job as photographer a little too far though.....or maybe it could just fill my life with more goodness. I think I'll take it into consideration....