Jacoby and Chelsea Jacobsen Family

It was the first time I was able to meet little June in person. The last time I saw this remarkable family was when they were still in Ohio in residency and little Wyatt was a brand new baby. It was so great to see them again and to see how much the older two kiddos have grown.

When we lived in Ohio, we made some really wonderful friends. There were a few of us who were around the same age, had kids the same ages and none were yet in school so we had all the time in the world to play. On bitter cold winter days, we would take the kids and all of their bikes and scooters and play in the church gym. In the summer, we would meet at the park to swing, or head to the local farmer's market. Some of my favorite memories were of summer in Ohio. There was something magical about it.

When I look back on these friendships, I remember how much fun Chelsea was. She was always making me laugh and she has a gift for looking at the bright side of things. I can't imagine the strain that medical residency puts upon a family, but Chelsea and Jacoby handled it with grace and optimism. They almost made me feel like I could have done it, had my husband chosen that career path. A bigger part of me believes I would have had a total mental breakdown.

I see them now, with their cute family and I just smile and feel joy that they are doing so well. The kids had so much fun with one another and I could tell that they really do share a lot of love between them. I also enjoyed the energy they brought to the session. It was exciting and we all laughed a lot at their silly poses and dance moves.

I came away feeling so happy. I love capturing these memories and spending time with such wonderful people. It is a fulfilling part of my life and I'm thankful that it presents me with the opportunity to reconnect with old friends, which is a priceless gift.