Marcus and Ginger Oghigian Family

When she saw me, she gave me the warmest hug and just held me for a few moments. My cup was instantly filled by her goodness and light. I was, all at once, rejuvenated and refreshed. Seeing Ginger was a breath of fresh air.

If you want to meet some of my MOST favorite people on the planet, look no further than the Oghigians. They are some of the funniest, kindest, most wonderful people I have ever known. I was over the moon to be able to see them again.

I met Ginger over five years ago, when we were first moving to Las Vegas. She was our realtor and when I met her, I instantly knew that I wanted to be friends. She is candid, open and so easy to connect with. My husband and I had decided not to purchase a home and she helped us find a rental. When she showed me one that was within her ward boundaries I was fully committed. I felt so much comfort knowing she would live near me and I secretly hoped we would become true friends.

Over the time I lived there, Ginger became one of my dearest friends. She was always there to offer friendly advice and to laugh with. She is truly one of the funniest and most genuine women I know. I will always treasure the many memories I have of her.

Her husband Marcus is also incredible! He has such a warm smile and makes everyone feel comfortable. He and Ginger have a relationship that I want to emulate. They are very good to one another and truly enjoy each other. I would venture to guess that because they are so great that their children are great too.

I honest to goodness love Ginger, Marcus, and all of their kids. My heart was full to bursting when I saw them again, and I am so thankful I was able to spend a few moments with them. It was too short, but I will take everything I can get. I hope we can reconnect again in the near future!