Red Rocks in Cedar Canyon with Green Trees
I am catching a ride with the family to our family session. I arrive at the home just a few minutes before our planned departure time and catch the last minute rush of getting everyone ready for the session. One boy runs down the hall, refusing to get hairspray in his hair. I smile because it helps me to know that I'm not the only one. It's not just my kids that resist the combing of hair, or don't want a diaper change before we rush out the door. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this whole parenting journey and that I'm not the only one who wants to capture pictures of my little hooligans to be able to reflect upon throughout the coming years.
As soon as we arrive at our destination, I feel excited to capture the smiles, laughter and love this family shares. What I didn't expect was the genuine happiness that shone out of these bright faces. Even the dog smiled. This family just exudes a goodness, a light. and the session flies by in the snap of a camera's shutter.
I am so glad the Hardy family lives near my family. I get to see their boys riding their bikes and zooming by on their roller blades and I remember what it was like to be young. They are so good to my kids and I am always impressed by their good manners and respect for others. Plus, I get to say that we know the "Hardy Boys." Maybe I should send them on an adventure to solve a mystery or two.