Family Pictures on Beaver Mountain in Utah
We were going to drive on rugged terrain and I was informed that my minivan probably wouldn't make the journey. I hopped into the family truck and was greeted by the sweetest smiles and the best dressed family. As we drove down the steep mountainside, I was excited to see where they were taking me. I had a good feeling about this session and I was not disappointed when I found a glowing field, babbling brook and gorgeous mountain scenery.
Sweet Janelle and I grew up together. My older sister was often their babysitter, and Janelle's mother was my middle school teacher. It has been a while since she and I have connected, and it was great to have some time on the car ride to catch up on life. She and Mark have five beautiful and kind children, so full of goodness and light. They were some of the most stellar subjects I have photographed. Their bright eyes and gentle smiles warmed my heart.
I was so eager to return home to look through the gallery and had a difficult time narrowing down my favorites. It's hard to pick just a few pictures, when you have hundreds of images that convey family love. This family is filled with love and it was such an honor to capture these memories for them.